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100 Hypnotic Money Affirmations Audio + Guide

Create financial freedom in your business with my 100 Hypnotic Money Affirmations Pack. This guide + audio pack uses hypnotic language patterns to alter your mindset + emotional state (which impacts your behaviour + the results you get) to manifest more money into your business. 


Transform Your Mindset, Energy + Bank Account


These affirmations use embedded language patterns that are WAY more powerful than normal affirmations, because they speak directly to your subconscious mind. By writing and listening to them every day, you'll both rapidly + gradually change how you think, feel + behave with money (i.e. some changes will be fast and some will be slower).


Eliminate Money Fears For Good!


If you’ve been feeling stuck or worried about money, these affirmations eliminate fear, while transforming your relationship with money + money making activities in your business. 


You After This Practice


  • Think + Feel Positively Around Money: With daily repetition, you’ll feel happier and more excited about money making opportunities, while effortlessly creating them in your business.
  • You Vibrate Higher: You're in a higher, more receptive vibrational state which elevates your entire sense of being. This makes your audience more receptive because you're in tune with what they need from you... AND you radiate more confidence.
  • You Get More Done: With a clear, positive mindset, it's easier to make aligned business decisions that are in tune with your goals.


Become Money Magnet In 20 Minutes A Day


  • Easy to Use: Add this 20-minute practice to your daily routine. The audio will help the affirmations really stick, and you can listen to them on your walks, at the gym, while you work etc.
  • Changes Are INSTANT: You’ll notice changes in how you think and feel about money after the first session, however keep going. This process builds new neurological pathways of positive thinking which takes time because they need to be integrated into your mind, body + business.
  • Fits Your Life: No matter how busy your schedule is, this routine is CRUCIAL for your financial growth. It's the glue that holds your business strategy, content and self confidence together.


How to Use It:


  • Do For 14-30 Days: Repetition + consistency is crucial to growth, so stick with it every day so you experience the true benefits of this practice.
  • Write + Speak: Write down + say these affirmations every day and you'll have immediate as well as more gradual shifts and realisations over time. 
  • Listen: Each day, plug in your headphones and let the audio guide you toward a more positive money mindset.
  • Visualise: As you listen, picture these affirmations coming to life. It might not feel completely natural at first, but it gets easier with practice.
  • Align + Act: Start aligning your daily tasks with this new mindset, and you’ll begin to see how it impacts your work and finances.


Transform Your Money (and Business) Mindset:

With 100 Money Affirmations, you’re taking steps to change how you see and attract money. Bit by bit, your confidence will grow and you'll see positive changes in your business.



100 Hypnotic Money Affirmations Audio + Guide

GST Included
  • Shift To Positive Thinking + Feeling States Around Money: With daily repetition, you’ll begin to think more positively about money + see more opportunities you might’ve missed before.

    ✅ Money Feels Less Stressful: Instead of feeling anxious, you feel more at ease with your finances, noticing changes in how you handle money.

    ✅You Get More Done: With a clear, positive mindset, it'll be easier to tackle business tasks and make progress on your goals.

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