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with Rich Chick Embodiment

Build a fun, sexy brand + embody your inner rich chick with my complete mindset + brand builder membership!

​Rich Chick Embodiment combines Hypnosis, Energy Work + Practical Business Strategies to

open up the money flow into your biz.

Hey Soon-To-Be Rich Chick!

If you're a BIG thinking woman who wants to blow up your brand + bank account (so you can work less and make more money), this is for you!


Rich Chick Embodiment is for business owners who want to;

👉 Align your mindset to your brand with simplicity + cohesion so it's clear to you and your audience
👉 Regulate your emotions so you can
drop into flow state and write, speak + sell without fear
Grow your confidence in yourself + what you do so you show up empowered + in integrity with yourself
👉 Build a healthy +
abundant relationship with money so you can bring more of it in
👉 Create +
sell your own digital products on autopilot that are fun and make people want to buy
Sell out retreats, workshops + events
Sell high ticket packages with ease
Build a memorable brand that's aligned with your personality + style
👉 Clarify, organise and
build systems that grow wealth
👉 Develop 'Money Intelligence' so you set yourself up for life with a wealth focused mindset

This INSANELY affordable membership is a combination of success psychology, wealth + business strategy and spiritual principles packaged up in a simple step-by-step flow so you stay on track and have a clear path to success.

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Rich Chick Embodiment Aligns Your

(and bank account)

In 3 Ways

1: Brain

Reprogram your mind with hypnosis (and other mindset tools) to transform your belief system around money. You'll grow your confidence and embody the mindset of a woman who understands her audience (and gets paid well as a result).


Changing your beliefs changes the decisions you make + actions you take, so with your new mindset, you'll hit your big money goals with ease.

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2: Brand

3: Vibe

Build out your entire brand from scratch so it's clear, cohesive and sexy to your audience. Not only that you can sell and speak with confidence because you know what you're doing (and how good it really is)!

From this work your overall vibe will completely transform. You will elevate your energy, confidence and emotional state which gets you into the right vibration for manifesting money.

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You get an entire business + money mindset builder package with a 6 module training course, hypnosis audios, legal documents, social media templates, branding kit, copywriting formula + attraction sales strategy, support and so much more!

Rich Chick Embodiment Mock Up of digital products
Money Background

Imagine this 👉

✅ Confidently asking for big amounts of money from easy to work with, high paying clients...

✅ Waking up each day, excited and motivated to succeed because everything feels so easy + fun...

✅ Connecting and talking to prospects with confidence which compels them to like, trust... and ultimately buy from you

✅ Deeply understanding + relating with your niche so that everything you say, they're nodding 'yes, that's me!' And wanting to work with you


✅ Posting fun, aligned content that rapidly grows your following and attracts hungry buyers..

✅ Creating offers that are fun to sell and people love

✅ Working less for more money so you can spend time with your kids, friends, pets

✅ Being able to travel, work on a beach in a tropical country or buy your dream home

Hypnosis, practical business strategies and energy work is the secret to blowing up your bank account!

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6 Things Rich Chick Embodiment Will Do For You...

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These self-paced modules will help you build a successful brand from scratch,

embed success psychology into your mind and master your relationship with money.

Rich Chick Embodiment video training mock ups
  • The #1 thing you need to focus on for long term success in your business

  • 6 ways you block money from flowing into your bank account + my simple way to clear ALL your blocks at once

  • How to calm your nervous system around money + business tasks

  • Mastering your emotional state so you can receive money effortlessly

  • My Power of ONE method to walk, talk, think + BE your brand so it resonates with your dream audience

  • Building brand integrity so you’re believable, congruent + cohesive to your niche (and you)

  • The secret to creating positive mental + emotional associations in your brand so you audience LOVE everything you do

  • My 4 step passive to high ticket selling system for continuous income streams

  • My sleazy tactic-FREE Sell How You Buy Method to sell authentically and in integrity with yourself

  • Objection free sales method that has them primed and ready to buy BEFORE they even talk to you

  • My simple Money Allocation system to create a healthy relationship with money so it grows into wealth

  • Complete money audit and set up for the flow of more money


Hypnosis Audio drops every month to expand your money mindset, work in flow state,

create offers your audience LOVE to buy, connect with prospects effortlessly... and sell with confidence!

Creative Focus + Flow Hypnosis Audio Cover

Daily Creative Focus + Flow Sleep Hypnosis

Daily Creative Focus + Flow Hypnosis Audio is my 40 minute productivity sleep hypnosis. Listen when you go to bed so you wake up calm and ready to drop into flow state at your desk.

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Fast Track To $100k Hypnotic Visualisation

Fast Track To $100k Hypnotic Visualisation helps you mentally and emotionally step into the woman who hits $100k months so you think like her. Listen to this before you start work so the actions you take are aligned with this mindset.

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Sales Confidence Hypnosis Audio

Selling Confidence Hypnosis Audio to confidently sell with a mindset of connection and service which makes closing sales easy & fun. Listen to this before you start your sales activities for the day.

*New Hypnosis Audios are added each month including Video Confidence, Money Expansion,

Write In Flow State, Show Up And Lead... and more!

PLUS You Get My Complete Business + Branding Pack...

EVERYTHING you need to build a sexy brand with plans, checklists, cheat sheets, *editable Canva™ templates, brand identity kit, copywriting hacks and more so you can build your brand from the ground up!

62 Step Blow Up My Biz Checklist Mock up

62 Point Blow Up My Biz Checklist

A complete checklist of every business task in Marketing, SEO, Branding, Sales, Course + Product Creation, Legal and Accounts. This will keep you on track so you know what needs to be done to get your entire business set up.

Cover my butt legal pack product mock up

Cover My Butt Legal Pack

Includes all of your legal documents which can be edited to suit your business with Client Agreement, Session Outlines, Code of Ethics, Terms of Service, Risk Assessment Kit, Disclaimer and more*

Brand Identity Templates Cover

Brand Identity Kit

Build your entire brand from the ground up with mood boards, brand style, vibe, language, colours, identifiers + more* Also includes 'About Me' carousels so you can pin your expertise to the top of your social posts, profile photo variations and more!

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Sexy Social Graphics Pack

6 editable background templates for your social posts, website backgrounds, Insta highlight images and more!

Mock 7 Step Client Attraction Content Formula

7 Step Client Attraction Framework

My 'copywriting formula' that's made me the most money to date. This framework grabs your audience's attention in an emotional way and takes them on the buying journey. It can be used in your content, sales pages, videos, podcast and everywhere else you want to get attention.

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286 Scroll Stopping Content

Grab attention FAST in your reels, posts, sales pages and emails with these content hooks. Just add your own keywords and have fun creating curiosity with your audience so they watch, read, listen to everything you have to say.

RCE Sales Funel diagram

Sales Funnel Template

This infographic explaines how to map out your entire sales funnel for your customer journey* You just decide on what your offers will be from free to mid to high and then create a system that pulls your prospective clients through it.

Mock Social Media Post Templates

30 Day Attention Grabbing Post Templates Pack

Editable images for your social posts including 10 carousels, 10 product placeholders, image placeholders, quotes, tips and more with eye catching graphics.

Social Media Banners pack

Social Banner Templates

2 banners you can use for Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other socials to grab attention and stand out.

Mock Daily Sales Activities

Hot Hustler Daily Sales
Activities Checklist

Over 150 ways to connect with your people each day. You can choose a simple 5 a day or if you're feeling energetic do the lot! Because the more eyeballs you get on your offers, the more money you make!

Connection Centered Sales Script Template

Close sales with ease using this template. You get a complete layout of the sales process whether it's for a phone call or via DM's so you can clarify their goals and sell them in a relaxed, caring way.

Productivity Pack +
Rich Chick Plan

Includes checklists, processes and systems to stay organised, motivated and in control of your days.

AND All Of This Support!

You won't be alone on this path. I'm with you each step of the way, helping you, giving you advice and providing more helpful content to make sure you succeed.

Weekly Livestream Q&A's

Every Wednesday @ 11am AEST you get a livestream Q&A where I answer all of your questions and address any issues. If you can't make a session, you're able to drop any questions and I'll address them in the live.

Rich Chick Embodiment FB Group

Facebook community where you can ask me questions, get answers and meet likeminded women in a supportive environment. Even when you've finished the program, you can stay in the group for ongoing support.

Monthly Money Mastercla$$

Each month I run a masterclass on different topics that you want to learn more about. I run a poll so you can choose your preferred topic and then run a 1-2hr masterclass teaching you new skills.

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Rich Chick Embodiment Membership



Every month

6 Module Mindset + Brand Training Videos

Show Me The Money! Monthly Hypnosis Audio Drops

62 Step Blow Up My Biz Checklist

Cover My Butt Legal Pack

Brand Identity Kit

Sexy Social Graphics Pack

7 Step Client Attraction Framework ​

286 Scroll Stopping Content Hooks

Sales Funnel Graphic

30 Day Attention Grabbing Social Posts Pack

Social Banner Templates

Hot Hustler Daily Sales Activities Checklist

Connection Centred Sales Script Template

Weekly Livestream Q&A's

Rich Chick Embodiment FB Group

Monthly Money Masterclass

5 Reasons Why This Is The BEST Membership For Your Brain, Brand + Bank Account



Most courses only look at strategy, energy OR mindset... rarely will you get all 3, which means a lot of missing pieces, wasted money and you're no closer to cashflow. RCE is a comprehensive membership that builds your success through mind, brand and overall vibe, meaning you set up your business in total alignment.



I'm an expert in business, psychology + energetics with 18yrs under my belt, lots of experience in the ups and downs and a MASS of qualifications. So working with me, you get a wealth of knowledge, advice and how to's to help you succeed. I also know the struggles, pitfalls and 'what not to do's' to make sure you grow fast.



You get EVERYTHING to build + run your business in a clear, streamlined way. From legal documents to social templates, copywriting templates and sales process. Doing (and learning) all of these things separately costs thousands (+ a lot of stress and confusion). All of this is gone with RCE.



This membership is organised in step by step modules so you don't miss a thing. First, you will focus on mindset + emotions, followed by building out your entire business and then set up your money systems so you can start growing it.



Why am I charging only $29 for this? I want to help as many women as I can succeed... and I know that between family, mortgage, bills and other life expenses, growing your business means never having to worry about money again!

I want to take the stress away so you can build your dream with ease.

Cath Gersback, Qld

“Your advice and guidance opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. You gave me exactly what I needed to start my photography business and move to the tropics and I'm so excited to embark on this new chapter. I can't thank you enough!"

Jacinta Ojwang, NSW

"Ainsley has worked with my personal business and children's charity for the last 4 years. From writing captivating copy through to online business development she has an incredibly wide rance of skills. She has the ability to crack open the core of your intention and express it with clarity. I highly recommend working with her"

Ynez Tulson, France

"Ainsley has an insightful way of seeing exactly what you need. She helped me put together a clear strategy for my life and explained it in a way that was easily actionable and non-overwhelming. In short, she kicked my butt out of procrastination station and it didn't hurt a bit. Now I'm living my dream life in the French countryside with my menagerie of animals & couldn't be happier"
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Hey, I'm Ainsley Michelle Micallef. 18yrs ago I studied business, taught it and then started date coaching men.

And over the 18yrs, I've had businesses in dating, corporate training and personal development. I've also run retreats in Bali and did the laptop lifestyle thing in Central America + SE Asia for 3yrs.

Not only that, I'm a qualified Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, NLP Master + Energy Healer so I've got a hybrid of skills and expertise that no one can match.

I created this program for the woman who might be where I was 7 years ago. Battling with chronic anxiety because I couldn't get beyond my own mind after a failure in my business prior. I was lacking clarity, stuck in fear + self doubt and energetically choking the money flow in my business. And I wish THIS course was available for me so I could get out of the hole (instead I wasted thousands of dollars on multiple courses that confused me even more). Lucky for you, I did the hard yards to get here so you don't have to and have put it in a membership that will change your life.

I'll be there to support you every step of the way because I want you to WIN!

So I hope to see you in here 😍

About Me

Ainsley x

PLEASE READ! Rich Chick Embodiment isn't a get 'rich quick' program - it's for serious business women who want to build a solid foundation in their brand + mindset, so they have clear direction and systems. Results vary depending on your business experience + level of understanding, internal beliefs, knowledge of your vocation, motivation levels, life obligations and other factors out of my control. To keep you accountable, this membership is not refundable. Once you're in, you're all in and we'll work together to cultivate your motivation for success (you have unlimited access so can go at your own pace) and you can cancel anytime you like.

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